

Welcome to the collective or portfolio site of Calítoe.:., a dilettante of web-design.

Here you may find more information about the webmistress (that is, me) and her activities, and also links to her personal and professional projects.

Last update date: 28th of October, 2024


Websites I run, most of them are fanlistings.

... The fanlisting for the poem If... by R. Kipling .:.Calito(h)eces.:. Alphonse Mucha Fanlisting Callitoes Collectanea Carl Sagan Fanlisting La zona del placer/The pleasure zone My CV / Mi currículum Galicia Galiza Vídeos de gimnasia H/Hr IKB # International Klein Blue FL Kawaii Mignon Linguae Mandi Cadela Maps & Globes Maria Gripe FL Gimnastas.Net SMW Metamorphoseon Wizard of Oz Velázquez, galería de admiradores WotLK

Websites that are no longer listed at Thefanlistings.org:

¡Ñam! Clair de Lune


Calítoe.:. (Cristina MJ). Diletante. 1978. XX. PANK.

Guarantee of origin: 42°25’53.2″N 8°38’36.8″W. Usual stop: 42°27’59.6″N 8°33’04.4″W.

I latinised Slaves in 51°46’37.2″N 19°27’22.0″E. I flipped and taught others to flip after altering the future of Europe in 49°37’27.9″N 6°08’39.1″E. I have also been a web editor at a famous videogame company in 48°47’48.9″N 2°07’10.1″E. I went to 41°23’32.5″N 2°09’29.8″E to search for myself and found lots of things except what I was looking for. I reloaded in 40°24’55.0″N 3°41’36.3″W and then I looked for new adventures in 51°45′07″N 1°15′28″W (it didn’t go well). I went back to my birth town to spend the lockdowns and, after a cancer diagnosis, I asked for a second opinion where I had recharged my batteries, and that’s where I am following the treatment now.

If you are really interested in knowing more about me, you just have to explore my works of dilettantism… 😉


This is version 10 of the site and the first one that is powered by WordPress. Some plugins help with the task, those are:

The design is the theme Sparkling, by colorlib, and the background image was made by 77words.

I use BellaBuffs as a fanlisting management script. I used my plurilingual version of Enthusiast for a long time, but I had to modify it beyond my abilities and/or patience to make it work in PHP7 and I preferred to change scripts.

And I think that’s all so far for this version. :).


I bought the domain name at GoDaddy on the 13th of February, 2003. Over the years it has been hosted by several providers (Hostradius, Insiderhosting, Surpass Hosting, Ofblue) until I decided to move it to KnownHost in November 2019.

The site was open the 1st of March, 2003, and it has had ten designs ever since. The last one, version 10, was perpetrated in November 2018, as it is explained in the section How.


Besides fullfilling my delusions of grandeur, the purpose of this domain is to somehow organise the websites I run, my projects and experiments.


If you would like to know where you can suck up to me, leave your complaints, your love and flaming letters, questions, comments, etc., here is the place.

There are two options: the public one (under my censorship, though ;p) on my Guestbook, or the private one by using the form below:

Thank you for your visit. 🙂
